Friday, June 1, 2012

UIScreen Features and its good use .

Hi :)

We can use the UIScreen features at many places in the application.
What does UIScreen do.
UIScreen is equivalent to the device's internal screen.
It simply returns the info about our device screen.

For example if you go to Console and find output for the following things
CGRect bounds1=NSStringFromCGRect([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]); //Returns bounds of the iphone screen.
CGRect  bounds2=  NSStringFromCGRect([[UIScreen mainScreen] applicationFrame]); 
//Return application frame. it it has the status bar hidden  then it will return 
bounds height -20 pixels.

Lets log the following results
NSLog(@"UIScreen bounds:  %@ UIScreen Application Frame : %@", bounds1,bounds2);

UIScreen bounds:  {{0, 0}, {320, 480}} UIScreen Application Frame : {{0, 20}, {320, 460}}

This features  can help us to avoid long lines of codings. 

Hope you enjoy it, for any questions ask me in the below section. 


Thursday, May 31, 2012

How to Update iphone 3gs to 5.1.1 Jailbreak with redsn0w untethered baseband 16.15.00

Hello Everyone,
It was very frustrating for me to sit until 4 am in the morning trying to figure out how to update my iPhone (4.2) to iOS 5.1.1.

After lots of boots , hits and trials  I finally figure out this.

You can not Downgrade your device (So Easily) if you have forgotten to store your blobs on sauric while you jailbreak for the first time.

So now, here is a way to Jailbreak your device (With Sim Card Working on it)

Download the following

a. Red Snow 0.9.6b4

b. ipsw for iOS 5.1 :

c. To unethered your device download the following package 

d. , then modify it, then ultrasnowfixer for this
 1. Install ultrasnow
2. add following repo for ultra snow fixer  (Ultrasn0w fixer )Install one corresponding to 5.1.1 (I think first one)
3. Install Unethered jailbreak solution for boot from cydia

In the end your device might say , (No sim card inserted) , to get rid of this, do the following.
Its because your baseband firmware has been modified, you need to reflash your base band.

Launch redsnow
select ipsw
come back
select jail break
select following options based on situation.
if you are already jailbroken the don't check cydia and only check flash your baseband. , if you are not jail broken install cydia and flash baseband both

Restart your device and now cross your finger insert the sim , hope everything works fine.

